Monday, October 29, 2007

IS Dumbledore GAY?

According to the NY Times, the answer to this question (regardless of what JK Rowling says) depends on your definition of the words "IS" and "GAY".

Hmm... are we thinking too much into this? I mean, "IS" is just the verb "To Be", right? So, "Be Dumbledore Gay"???

Here is the definition of "Gay" from

1.having or showing a merry, lively mood: gay spirits; gay music.
2.bright or showy: gay colors; gay ornaments.
3.given to or abounding in social or other pleasures: a gay social season.
4.licentious; dissipated; wanton: The baron is a gay old rogue with an eye for the ladies.
6.of, indicating, or supporting homosexual interests or issues: a gay organization. –noun
7.a homosexual person, esp. a male. –adverb a gay manner.

Hmm... Now we can only assume that Rowling means that Dumbledore is a Homosexual since that is the common meaning these days of the term "Gay". BUT, you have four definitions ahead of anything to do with homosexuality! Look at #4... "a gay old rogue with an eye for the ladies"!!!

This reminds me of a philosophical dilemma we discussed years ago... OK, so it was in the mid-90's... not THAT long ago. In the interest of protecting the innocent (or guilty) we'll call our characters Ozzie and Paul (or maybe we won't). Now we we all convinced Paul was gay (homosexual). I had plenty of gay (homosexual) friends at the time and felt I could spot one a mile away. Ozzie was a consummate ladies man.... here's the conversation as I recall it between Ozzie and myself:

Ozzie: (between bites of his Wendy's double bacon cheeseburger) If Paul sucked my d*ck, would that make me gay?
ME: (after Diet Coke shot out my nose) Hell yeah... get away from me homo!!!

OK, so I'm not sure what that was supposed to prove, but I think that is JK Rowling says some fictional character she created is gay, then I guess we should listen to her and just accept that and not worry about whether he and Grindewald did the nasty in the forest somewhere.

Does it matter to the rest of the world whether a fictional character is gay? i mean, we ALL knew Bert & Ernie were a gay couple, right? Do kids still watch Sesame Street? Yer damn right they do. So does it matter that Tinky Winky is gay (or Bi or whatever that thing is)? How many times a day is the teletubbies on? Apparently it doesn't matter to anyone.

I guess the BIG point is that gay people (homosexuals... happy or not) can be more than just gay, and more than just our hairdressers/interior designers/musicians, etc... They can save the world from evil, serve my breakfast at the local diner, and maybe even be partially responsible for raising America's youth (how many hours a day of Teletubbies and Sesame Street does it take to turn your kid gay???).

So, I'm totally OVER the fact that Dumbledore is gay. I wasn't attracted to him, which I guess just confirms my heterosexuality, I think. Sweet...

And speaking of Heterosexuals in trouble...

Father disputes son's $53,000 strip club bill

Apparently, after his graduation from Georgia Tech earlier this year, Tommy Salter spent nearly $53,000 at a strip club in the Florida Panhandle. According to his father, Tommy told the strip club owner he couldn't spend more than $600, at which point dad says the strip club charged him for everything under the sun.

Now according to the strip club owner, Tommy bought 19 bottles of champagne, and finished off the night by dancing with the club manager!

American Express agrees with the strip club and refused to reverse the charges. I hope Tommy at least got crabs or something for his trouble. I mean, isn't there a story about a Cambodian whorehouse here somewhere???

Peace out...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said.