Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Blog for the Dumped

Alright... Day 1 of my new adventures in Unemployment concluded with a bang last night! Here's a run down of how a normal day in the life of the unemployed should go:

7:00am - huh? Is it Saturday? Why am I still in bed at 7am??? Guess I should get up.

7:15am - Am I the only one that reads while sitting on the toilet? I see a lot of folks with books & magazines in their bathrooms, but everyone always seems so appalled when I say my leg fell asleep because I wanted to get to the end of the chapter.

8:15am - pooped & showered... why shave? Nothing important happening so I go "rough" style.. Got coffee and Facebook to keep me company... YES!

8:30am - emailing some peeps, responding to a barrage of "WHAT?!?!? You got laid off again?!?!? What the hell happened???" Seriously folks... I've been here before. I am probably less upset or worried than anyone I talked to yesterday. Crazy!

10am - Sent off a couple resumes, including one to a former client... those always seem to go well since I am so lovable! I also find out a couple things - 1) My former employer wants some document notarized! Uhhh, I was underpaid so I am broke, and you want me to pay to notarize the release papers? Yeah Right! I am an expert in getting laid off and have NEVER had that request come up... We get that sorted out and I find out 2) I am only getting paid for 1 week this Friday (laid off in the middle of a pay period sucks) and the one week severance won't be paid until March 16th! Good thing I have two kidneys... looking for a buyer so I can pay my rent. I'm a little aggravated at that and have a little time to kill before I go meet Angela for lunch so time to transform myself into my violent, Russian, alter-ego... Niko Bellic... Grand Theft Auto time...

11am - OK, I suck at Grand Theft Auto... after getting killed on some damn mission to take out some mafia boss for like the seventh time, I figure it's time to go hit the gas station and head to lunch.

11:15am - Who chooses the hour before lunch to run a report from all their gas pumps so that no one can buy gas for like ten minutes? Chevron, folks... yep... Lady comes out yelling "IT WON'T WORK!!! I'M RUNNING A REPORT!!!" I'm like twenty feet away, I can hear ya just fine lady. So then she decides I am not going to use my Pimp-Hand on her so decides it's time to start being Chatty Cathy... she moved here from God Knows where (New York maybe???), was in health care for like 20 years, got tired of the health care "racket" in Florida, so now she is selling Powerball tickets at a gas station. Great career move! Wait, she actually HAS a job whereas I just got laid off for the fifth time in two years... I bite my tongue...

Noon - Meet Angela @ Panera... Damn that's a fine looking woman! We kick back, beautiful day to be sitting outside. She seemed stressed on the phone about me getting laid off, but I am not worried so the anxiety melts away and she is sticking her tongue out at me like usual. ;)

1:30pm - Leave Angela as she has some work to do and I have more jobs to hunt down. I get home and have another wave of Facebook messages... gotta respect the peeps so I hammer out some fun responses.

3:30pm - Calls from a couple friends with job leads. I LOVE knowing people! Some pretty good ones so we'll see how that pans out.

4:30pm - Don't feel like doing much else today, and don't feel like getting my Russian ass kicked again... so it's time for some FIFA on the Xbox.. I tell ya, this soccer game is EASY! I don't even break a sweat so i am not sure why the rest of the world loves this game so much.

6pm - Roommate is home, big re-organization happening in his office the the next day (today) so one of our buddies he works with is coming over to celebrate all the people that will be quitting. We hit the treadmill for a half hour and I am alerted to "put my drinking shoes on".

7:30pm - Brian and his wife finally show up - thought they got lost. Strange as they have been here a number of times. He likes to sit in the parking lot on the phone it seems while we are sitting here waiting to get our "DRINK" on. WTF? We take the long way around to go to our favorite hang out across the street - The Rack. Good food, hot waitresses.. and lots of alcohol.

9pm - By this time we have had a couple drinks and the waitress is showing an uncanny ability to show up right as we are talking about something ridiculous or in some cases downright embarrassing. Chad and I always compare the "white-trashiness" levels of our respective families - things like comparing how many family members are in prison serving life sentences, how many GED's in the family, how many siblings or cousins have multiple children from multiple daddies, etc... it's usually good fun! ;) then she shows up as we are talking about beating kids (not me personally, but like when my mom used to smack us around)... then shows up when we are talking about drinking and drug use (turns out she started drinking in 6th Grade!!! Bravo Darling!) So, naturally she is our favorite waitress ever because none of this is appalling to her and she even throws in a couple things of her own that win over the crowd. She's getting a good tip! Well, not from me... I am broke and unemployed! ;)

11:30pm-ish??? - We were drinking pretty fast there for a while... folks gotta go to work in the morning so we call it a night. Clearly I have no reason to get up, but we have Guitar Hero waiting for us (Brian's wife is addicted).

1am - After a number of failed drunken attempts at Van Halen's "Hot for Teacher" it's time to call it a night. Naturally I forget to brush my teeth...

5am today - my mouth tastes disgusting... I brush my teeth and go back to bed...

Monday, February 23, 2009

I gots dem layoff blues...

Well, that was a first... most companies lay folks off on Thursdays, but me and bunch folks just got laid off this morning! I have honestly never been laid off on a Monday before so I can cross that off the list of things to do! :)

So as of this morning, I have now left my 5th company since the beginning of 2007. Hard to believe??? The subprime tsunami swept through and I was laid off from Fremont, quit IndyMac Bank (total train wreck there and the whole company was pretty much dissolved a month or two later), then laid off from Bear Stearns 90 days after that (got a 60 day severance though!! WOO HOO!!!), then went to work for Robert Half Int'l (talk about evil empire) and laid off after 9 months of riding that roller coaster, and now laid off from Spatial Networks, a very cool little company but struggling like most are these days.

What is a boy to do? Seriously, I just had this conversation the other day - Am I really cut out for Corporate America any more? Sure I have mad skillz in a number of areas... am I an expert in anything though? Probably not. And at this point, being laid off doesn't even phase me. I've been through so many that I already know the drill, I know it sucks, I know they are tough decisions... I know I will be just fine eventually.

The beauty is, I am so used to living frugally that I am not really worried about debt or bankruptcy. I have a fraction of the debt most folks are carrying around with them (Thank You Fremont for those 6 figure commission checks!!!). Anyhoo, the good news is, at least for the time being, I get to write more! YAY!

Just woke up from a nap (seriously, in between paragraphs... dozed off for a bit... unemployment does have it's perks!!!

Peace out...

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Saturday morning bliss...

yeah, right! ;) Cup of coffee, woman sleeping in my bed, it don't get much better, does it? So, why am I sitting at my laptop???


Lot of crazy stuff happened this week... starting with the editorial cartoon in the NY Post.

First off, no one reads the NY Post... that's like saying something was printed in the Southtown Economist, or the Davis Island Penny Saver. That being said, did the cartoonist cross the line here? My first reaction to the cartoon had nothing to do with race. I knew they were tying the shooting of the chimp the day before to the stimulus package, and I also know that Congress and the legislative branch drafted the stimulus package. President Obama is just lucky enough to be the guy to have his face on the package!

It wasn't until after the fact that I even thought about the racial implications... Obama is black (and white). Comparing African-Americans to chimps or monkeys is probably a favorite past-time of the less educated and fearful in our society. However, comparing Congress to a bunch of monkeys is also a favorite pastime... or rats, herd of sheep, etc... Did the Post think they'd have a racial backlash on their hands? ABSOLUTELY! I guarantee you they have had more hits on their web-site and more copies sold this week from the uproar than you can imagine.

Now, some people might say, "Of course you don't think it's racist and insensitive... you are white!" Well, there is nothing I can do about that... but two things I can say about it are 1) I am not afraid to talk about race and I think that is what is really the issue here (see below), and 2) I spent most of 7th grade running from kids trying to join the Gangster Disciples or Blackstones... anyone else remember that when going to school on the South Side of Chicago knows a little bit about oppression.

I feel the bigger issue, as our new Attorney General, Eric Holder, pointed out is that Americans shy away from dealing with race as an issue:

Now, he may have used some strong words such as "cowards", etc... in getting his message across, but just because we elected our first African-American President doesn't mean all is right and fixed with regards to Civil Rights and equal treatment for all. Again, going back to my Chicago roots - there is still a lot we can do, and I feel we need to do, in order to cross those boundaries. A very insightful article ran last December in the Chicago Tribune:

This is how I remembered Chicago growing up, and it is still the same way. Some folks, including many of my classmates from High School, ignored the invisible boundaries and went where we chose. Now, that's not to say I picked up and moved to 87th & Exchange, but there is not a corner of that city that I did not explore including the infamous Robert Taylor & Cabrini Green housing projects. The train ride from the far southwest corner of the city to the Loop basically took you through some areas that looked more like war-torn Bosnia than a bustling metropolis.

So, that is why I feel there are way more pressing issues than a political cartoon with a hidden agenda. The NY Post issued an apology, but I hope that some people that were incensed by it take a long look at AG Holder's message as well. Reach out to people that maybe you wouldn't ordinarily reach out to... go somewhere you wouldn't ordinarily consider a vacation spot and come face-to-face with history instead of avoiding the issues at hand.

Anyhoo... let me get off my soap box... let's talk some football!

Errrr... I was just reminded that it's about to be Baseball Season, meaning I have a LONG seven months or so until training camp. Sheesh...

When does the Arena League start???


Last note... had my birthday last week, and Angela got me the greatest birthday present ever! I'll be sure to blog about that in the next week with some pics... she's da bomb!

Peace out...

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Wow... been a while

Oh yeah, I have a blog to write!!!

I tell ya, reading the news and seeing what's going on in the world, it's been crazy. I have mostly been keeping my head down for fear of it getting shot off. The financial institutions are in ruins (I worked at Bank One, First Chicago, IndyMac Bank, Fremont General, and Bear Stearns) - none of which except IndyMac even exist anymore... and IndyMac is basically being run by the Fed right now.,0,5165114.story

Then I see the articles in the Chicago media about the detectives being investigated for torturing confessions out of suspects. Now, I can't go back in time and go to a different dimension to see how this would have played out... but I know every name I have seen in those articles about cops being investigated. I met all of them through cops I knew (who shall remain nameless) at varying points in my life. I can only wonder how I would have turned out had I not flubbed a Psychological Evaluation with the Chicago Police Department...

For anyone that has gone through one, it's pretty simple. They are pushing buttons to get reactions. Apparently I got flustered when he kept pushing the "do you use drugs" deal. Whatever... My best friend at the time got into the academy and I did not. I knew he was a bigot but it really came out in him after getting a badge. I'm pretty sure we would have gone to fisticuffs at some point had I not vacated the neighborhood.

Anyhoo... so I guess it could be worse... I could be getting investigated for torturing murder suspects. :)


Went camping for the first time in years recently... it was a Boy Scouts of America campground in Clearwater, FL. Great time with Angela & Remi... except it was frikking COLD!!! seriously, sleeping outdoors when it is hovering around the freezing mark is drastically over-rated.

The thing that struck me about the whole setup though was something I don't remember ever seeing when I was a Scout. I felt like I was at a Nazi Youth training camp. White kids as far as the eye could see and I can't remember the last time I heard so many prayers and hymns... probably a Catholic wedding at some point...

I am pretty much middle of the road in everything I do - I've voted Republican AND Democrat (but mostly independent - yeah, I was the guy that voted for Nader, Perot, Forbes...)... I also like to think for myself instead of believing some very specifically chosen folk-tales (yeah, Catholicism and Christianity are not even on my radar when it comes to beleifs) or think that EVERYTHING is a conspiracy while toking up on the bong water again...

So, you can imagine skin crawling as all of this unfolded... Now, when I was a kid I remember the only time we really bowed our heads for a prayer was at the annual Pancake Breakfast. Of course, it was hosted in a church... 'nuff said. So, was I just "lucky" in being in a group that didn't buy into the right-wing agenda of the Scouts, or is this a recent thing???

Whatever it is, I fear brainwashing... ;)

Alright... time to watch Sportscenter for the first time in like forever... (yeah, been that far under a rock...)

Peace out