Thursday, September 6, 2007

Gimme my Porn Back!!!

Very nice... I know what's going on here... check out this video from CNN News... you only need to watch the first minute or two....

So, this peeping Tom is released from prison after 5 years, and he wants his porn collection back. Apparently, the porn in question is just legitimate videos and magazines, and not home made videos he took while doing his peeping.

Reporter Erica Hill asks, "Why would the police still be holding onto this man's porn???"

The answer is simple... Cuz porn is good!!! Seriously, most police are men, right? And do you think they are all out working when they are putting in all that over time? No siree... they are kicking back in the evidence room having a circle jerk watching this guys collection of porn! Now, I know this poor slob is looking around his empty apartment (or trailer, or whatever he lives in) after 5 years of taking it forcefully up the poop chute, and is thinking to himself...

"I reckon I sure could go for some porn right about now..."

Well, all I can say is... keep waiting my friend... those cops won't be giving that stash back without a fight. You may as well just go hit the local adult video store and start building a new collection.

Speaking of dirtbags...

This article is just flat out disturbing... And we get to stick to the topic of pornography... YAY!!!

This is the first I have ever heard of this, but I am a youngster by many people's estimation... Hell my dad was an infant when World War II was going on. I don't think many people in polite society can honestly say that the Holocaust was not a horrific event in world history... so imagine the revulsion many people must feel at this form of 1950's & 60's soft porn... called Stalags...

Stalags were the names for prison camps in World War II. After the war and leading up to the trial of Adolph Eichmann in 1961, a big underground publishing industry existed that produced soft porn called "Stalags" in Israel... most of the stories involved American or British Prisoners of War being enslaved by sadistic beautiful female SS Officers, only to get their revenge at the end by raping and killing their captors.

WOW... is all I can say... I've seen some crazy shit in my days, but come on... soft porn about the Holocaust? I guess the only thing these folks could do was to take those events and twist them around into some sort of demonic play...

Once Eichmann was tried by the world court, the truth of the Holocaust came out and the Stalags were pretty much put out of business. The Israeli government at the time tried to destroy every copy of them they could find. Obviously, some got through the book burnings and are still around.

I think my favorite title in this article is "I Was Colonel Schultz's Private Bitch"... that pretty much sums up the story I guess... I mean, my own experience of Schultz was the character from the Hogan's Heroes TV show... I can't imagine being his bitch. He was DEFINITELY not my type.

OK... the only other thing I have to report is that I have a new favorite College Football player. He's on the Florida Gators and served two tours in Afghanistan. His name is Derek Baldry and he was an Army Ranger from prior to 9/11 and is now a reserve Tight End for the Florida Gators. Honestly, I am not a Gator fan... but his story is excellent... he was high school misfit, decided to enlist after High School, served in Afghanistan, and is now playing special teams in front of 100,000 screaming fans at the stadium he literally grew up walking distance from.

He won't go to the NFL, might not even get on the field except for field goal attempts, but after what he's been through in Afghanistan, I just hope he goes out there, plays hard, and has some damn fun!!! Talk about a real life Rudy!!!
Peace out...

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