I usually try to avoid these real incendiary topics, but what the hell... after another couple hundred Iraqis were killed earlier this week, and an article I saw in this morning Trib, I figured it's time to tell people how they should feel on the Middle East.
This kids TV show pretty much illustrates what is happening over there:
A Mickey Mouse clone is used to appeal to little kids while a sweet little 11 Year Old girl goes on and on about how every Palestinian should be proud to be a martyr. Obviously, the problems we are facing in Iraq go much deeper than Kurds vs. Sunni's; Sunni's vs. Shiites; America vs. Everyone else... the whole region over there is flooded with "they are infidels and should leave our land" or "they are the devil, kill them and go to heaven"...
With so much at stake, and I'm not just talking about George W's favorite beverage of choice... that sweet, bubblin' crude... I'm talking about the safety and security of the Western World for the next millenia here... we need to come up with a solution to this problem.
Now, before you all start thinking I am looking for a nice little Nazi Pogrom or something... I have a little more creativity than herding people like cattle into trains.
We already have the technology in place to construct a wall around the entire middle east as I have laid out in this diagram.
Now, we build a wall around the region and basically say,
"Here ya go, you are locked in... make of it what you will. Kill yourselves off or figure out how to get along. Oh yeah, we'll let you out in 100 years. Not a day sooner."
I figure, Israel has already constructed a wall like this, and the US is doing the same at the Mexican border. I say, let the Mexicans in! I love them guys & gals... Seriously, Eva Mendes and Selma Hayek can swing by my place ANY TIME! They are our neighbors! Let's We should learn to love them and get along nicely. I say, dismantle the wall at our southern border and ship it in sections to the middle east and we have a start. We take the Israeli wall and add it to ours...
In case you are wondering, I am walling Israel in with the rest of the wackos as they are as guilty and fucked up as the rest of them.
Now, in 100 years, either we will find a bombed out region with very little life left... in which case, we dub the area New York City Junior and start a new revitalization effort. OR, we will find that someone inside the walls got the rest of the people to listen and get along with one another.
Personally, I think it will come out like the classic movie, Escape from New York. But if I have to watch another 500 people die in car bomb attacks and feel like I should give a shit... well, I'm gonna be pretty upset about that.
In other news...
Now, this is not the Bush you are all thinking of... but one of the Bush TWINS is getting hitched. I know, this is a sad day for all the partyers out there that thought they could throw a few beer bongs her way and get into the White House inner circle by way of a Paternity test.
Well, Jenna Bush is now officially engaged to her long time boyfriend, whose name is not important enough for me to look up.
More importantly, where was this guy when the First Twins were partying like rock stars?
I'm thinking he was just created in a lab somewhere in the past couple years so we won't really be able to find out anything about him.
Good luck with the nuptials, Bush Chick!
Heitz... out...
1 comment:
if the current administration can tell people how to think on Iraq, I don't see any reason why you can't. hehe
By the way, check out the Obamarama going on:
Should he be listed as "B-Rock" on the ballot?
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