Been awful busy already today, which is a good thing... but it means I missed my self-imposed 8:30am deadline for my blog! I really need to get my ass out of bed earlier I guess. :(
Couple items for today:
Tell me that don't grab your attention! ;)
An article in the paper today talked about a recent study that indicates men and women have sex for pretty much the same reasons. The old adage that "men want sex and women want love" is apparently a load of B.S. Now, it is true that "love" or affection did make the top 10 for both men and women alike, the #1 reason on both lists was "physical attraction" to the other person.
So, basically we have sex because we think the other person is hot. And if we develop feelings for that other person we'll aparently continue to have sex with them.
Well, at least until they piss us off; poison our dog; sleep with our best friend; or any of the multitude of reasons that a romantic relationship falls apart.
So, with that out in the open... the line to have sex with me starts behind these ladies here...

Don't worry... it should take more than about 10-15 minutes for me to get through that part of the list... I'll get to you momentarily.
Now then... where were we... oh yeah... Ugly people, listen up... oh yeah, and dudes... DO NOT BOTHER GETTING IN LINE!!! Because you are either a) Ugly or B) a dude, I will not have any physical atraction towards you so you'd get lost in the shuffle of feet as I scamper out the back door.

For the beautiful people, I'll keep the line formed as long as it takes to get through you all. We might be here a while cuz I am DAMN good lokin'.
Crazy Boston People
Alright, now I am a BIG fan of Kevin Garnett. As anyone who turns on ESPN once a day can tell you, he was just traded yesterday to the Boston Celtics in a veritable whopper of a deal. the Celtics sent 7 (that's right, SEVEN) guys to Minnesota to acquire one of my all time Chicago High School favorites. He was a stud at Farragut Academy in the Chicago burbs, and he is still a stud.

Now, of course he has some mileage on him. He has played a LOT of games. So, it struck me as odd that ESPN's Kiki vande Weghe came out in public and said they are the hands down favorite to go to the NBA Finals from the Eastern Conference this year.
I mean, apparently, one guy is more important than the 53 wins Detroit had last year. Chicago was no slouch either (GO BULLS!!!), and don't forget about the sorry Cleveland Cavaliers! (OK, so people in Cleveland may actually want to forget the fact that they were swept in the Finals)...
For Boston to have even made the playoffs last season they would have had to double their 24 victories. That's not very easy to do when you add a couple old players. Did I mention they added Ray Allen earlier this off-season? I think he's under 40 years old, but don't quote me on that.
Now, don't get me wrong... I am all for the Celtics being competitive again. Who can forget the classic head to head matchups between Larry Bird and Michael Jordan? Or Bird against Magic Johnson? Heck, those were so good they made video games out of them!!!
But Kevin Garnett and Ray Allen, and subtracting 5 current players (not to mention two #1 picks) does not make this a championship caliber team. Granted, they may make a couple more moves... in fact, with only 3 guys on the roster, it's almost mandatory! I'll be looking forward to see how this pans out...
And if worse comes to worse, they can always just hang their hat on beating the Knicks... cuz they REALLY suck!
1 comment:
C's will easily win 50 this year. Don't forget, Paul Pierce was , cough cough, hurt for 30 games this past year right when they began putting a couple wins together. Then Whoops Franchise worst 18 game losing streak (with most of the guys sent to Minny) and we are sitting pretty for K Durant or Greg Oden. I don't know if the Celts will represent in the East, but they are definately close to it. Seriously, Chicago is the only team I see giving much competition. I hate Detroit, so maybe there is some bias there and LeBron can't stop all three guys by himself.
Loving it.
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