Alright... now this little blurb in the paper really incenses me... I don't know what the HELL the French are thinking, but this is ridiculous...

I can't even imagine the thought process that was going on in this doctors head...
"So, Jean-Luke... What are you in for?"
"I touched my 4 year old nephew..."
"hmmmm... take this little blue pill, eeet will make you feeeel better!!!"
Yeah, I'm sure it went something like that. Some day, I think society will really get over their fear of violence and just start killing these sick bastards right away. I mean, seriously, have you ever heard of a pedophile that was released from jail and did NOT go back to attacking children?
Find them guilty, give them one chance to appeal (just to make sure the DNA matches... don't want that coming up later!) and put two slugs in the back of their head.
That's my solution...
Speaking of violence... video game violence is news worthy pretty much any day of the week. An article in the NY Times is talking about how many states are STILL trying to pass laws banning the sale of violent video games to children.
Now, I am a HUGE fan of video games... but not necessarily just violent games. So I am looking at this from a couple angles.

First off, the ESRB which is the group that assigns ratings to video games based on violent content, adult material, etc... has done a fantastic job of grading games as either for "Everyone", "M for Mature", etc... Their rating system is pretty strong and I challenge you to send an 8 year old into a local EB Games to try and buy an M rated game. I've seen kids turned away on countless occasions.
The bottom line is, it's up to the parents to make sure the kids know right from wrong. And it's up to the parents to decide what their child should and should not be playing. Turning the PS2 on and leaving the child to their own devices should NOT be an option folks.
But it raises another interesting point in this debate. Violence is a part of life... The first legal precedent for defending the value of violent games came from Judge Richard A. Posner of the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit in 2001. He equated the content of violent video games to the violent content contained in such masterpieces as "War and Peace" or Homer's "The Odyssey" and pointed out that such content plays a strong part in a child's development of right and wrong and their social and political outlook.

Or what about the Wild West? Imagine a 12 year old in say Oklahoma in 1850 NOT knowing how to handle a rifle. That's right, it's unimaginable because it hasn't been until the past 50 years or so that the notion of violence was taboo.
So, let's all hike up our skirts you politicians looking for some publicity... and let the kids do what kids do... and that is grow up!
Finally, the Chicago Bears beat the Colts last night like they SHOULD have in Super Bowl 41 (sorry... not sure about them Roman Numerals.)

What doesn't seem to happen with other QBs (marquee names and otherwise) seems to happen regularly with Grossman. He throws off the back foot and into coverage way too much and can't seem to hang onto the ball.
My prediction... if he cannot correct those FUNDAMENTAL issues... he will be 2nd string by week 6.
Other than that, the team looked pretty solid... I think I'm gonna have fun watching this year! :)Peace out...
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