Something happened in the world of sports that only a couple of people on the planet might have witnessed before...

The Texas Rangers scored 30 runs in a game yesterday... You read that right... and this was NOT the Dallas Cowboys playing football against the Baltimore Ravens. This was the Texas Rangers baseball team spanking the snot out of the Orioles by a score of 30-3.
That is one serious ass whipping... I mean, that is on the order of Jason Bourne beating the snot out of folks... except, instead of using a pencil this time he had a baseball bat. Could you imagine???
The last time a team scored more runs in a game was like 1897 or something! That is a seriously long ass time ago.
This has been an interesting baseball season and this just adds to the story... I mean, we have Barry Bonds and the whole steroid issue taking over the home run crown... the Philadelphia Phillies are the first professional sports franchise to reach 10,000 losses (yup, you read that right... TEN THOUSAND LOSSES!!!)... and the Cubs are fighting for the playoffs. These things just do not happen every day folks.
Personally, I think the baseball season is WAY too long, but the beauty of the moment last night is that this was a LAST PLACE team posting 30 runs in a game. How embarrassing has that gotta be for the Orioles? Giving up that kind of performance, at home, across the street from where the Ravens play, one of the most dominant NFL defenses. According to the Ravens have not allowed 30 points in one game sine back in 2005!
Well, the one thing I know fr sure is that NONE of the Orioles got any loving last night when they got home. To make matters worse, they lost the 2nd game of the double header as well.
I sense a domestic battery call coming any moment from their pitching coach's house...
In other news...
This is just more fuel to the fire for me... I will NOT be buried... just torch me and scatter my ashes in the South End Zone at Soldier Field, please.
This guy was in prison for posing corpses in various every-day life and the county is now paying up over $8 million dollars in damages. He was working on an art project and decided to use corpses in the morgue where he worked... he posed them with everything from fruit to doll house furniture and took his photos.

And last but certainly not least...
Two former Tampa city employees... former Housing Chief Steve LaBrake and his wife Lynn... both are serving jail time for corruption and bribery convictions after taking bribes to grant construction contracts in exchange for a discounted construction contract to build their own home...
Well, it turns out that they both feel they are entitled to their Pensions when they are released from Prison in a couple years and are filing lawsuits to that effect.
So, what part of this don't they get? Let's see... they defrauded the city and it's citizens; they were convicted of their crimes and are serving jail time; and NOW they expect the taxpayers to pay them when they get out of prison???

This guy must drink his radiator fluid straight out of the bottle... probably pisses razor blades and thinks it tickles!
I don't know what alternate reality this guy is living in, but I'd like to spend an hour or two there just to see what it's like...
"Yo, George W... Gimme that briefcase... here we go... WHEEEEEE!!!!"
Seriously... must be some great LSD in the prison oatmeal...
TX style ass whuppin yeaahh buddy! Wasn't it you that got your ass kicked in TX by some chick's corn-fed man??
Many times... damn married women in Dallas need to frikkin stay in the kitchen and OUT f my lap...
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