Alright, as anyone who has been paying attention knows, I love to read my Tampa Tribune with my morning Starbucks. It's like my morning mojo builder.
Well, this morning I grab the paper, get my cup of Joe, and head home... only to find out someone had swiped all the GOOD sections of the paper. All I have in my hands is the "FLAVOR" section, the classifieds, and the Wednesday South Tampa special... no sports, no front page... no NEWS!!! What the hell is going on in the world?!?!?!
Well, let's see what we have here...

Hey, look at that... I can relive my college days of picking up fat-bottomed girls at T-Birds in Carbondale, IL... Styx and Foreigner are opening up for Def Leppard this Friday night!!! SWEET MERCY!!! Let's see if I can find some Izod shirts and tight fitting jeans that I can tear holes in so I can fit in.
Hmmm... A craft fair at the state fairgrounds? Sounds like something my mom would like. Maybe I'll go just to pick her something out for Christmas.
Man, this SUCKS ass not having the real news. I guess that's why Al Gore invented the Internet...
Whoever that newspaper bandit is, I'm gunning for you. Frikkin' bastards...

OK... I'm over it...
Moving on to more important stuff...
I found an article on the NY Times site about the underhanded slap tossed out by Tiki Barber at his former NY Giants QB, Eli Manning. Barber said that Manning was "uncomfortable" with leadership. Apparently, Manning has some of his older brothers sense of humor as is reply was “I’m just happy for Tiki that he’s making a smooth transition to the media.”
OUCH! I guess when you play in the Big Apple you are used to the Media and the fact that there is no loyalty.
Well, time to finish this coffee and NOT read my paper... ... here's to happier times... with my frikkin paper...
Alice Cooper will be at the Du Quoin State Fair this year. I'll get two tix for you and your mom.
The crazy thing about it is that they're charging $30 a ticket!
In case this ever happens again...
My mom probably thinks Alice Cooper is form the Brady Bunch...
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