When I started college in the fall of 1987, I remember seeing a TV commercial for a local car dealership and thinking to myself, "I couldn't be any further from civilization than I am now."
Turns out, Tim Sexton stated that the 17 Golden Retrievers in his home were "coated in fecal matter and urine" but that he shouldn't have been arrested for it. "When a puppy eats, it poops. It eats and poops, eats and poops."

So, my thoughts are, any Swedish woman that needs to get breast implants to match up to the competition in Sweden... well, they are probably facing confidence problems already, maybe even some psychological disorders after years of having smaller breasts than their friends. These women may have committed suicide whether they had breast implants or not, is my point.

I believe it was one of the Ford or Chevy dealers in Southern Illinois, and basically it was two guys... one driving a pickup and the other guy had 2x4's strapped to his feet and was being pulled through a corn field like he was water skiing. Needless to say, I have NEVER forgotten that commercial and how the lifestyle in small town Southern Illinois was so vastly different than growing up in Chicago.
So, any time I see an article like the one I am about to relate, I just imagine I am stuck in a deserted area with nothing around me but frikkin yokels marrying their first cousins and having 3 armed babies.
The headline says: Dogs' Owner Protests His Arrest

Thanks for the lesson in digestive systems there Tim. Apparently, he was trying to start a business breeding Golden Retrievers out of his small home in Tampa. No outdoor setup for the dogs, no cages, no organization... just him, a roommate (who of course he blames for not cleaning up after the dogs) and 17 dogs "pooping" all over the place.
I wish the death penalty was applicable in cases like this. Just end this guys life of suffering. He obviously is not equipped with the same "life radar" the rest of us have.
And all I can think about is two rednecks water skiing through a cornfield... ugh...
Breasts Are Good!

Another story i read this morning linking Breast Implants to increased Suicide rates. Personally, I am a HUGE fan of reporters who do no research whatsoever and publish an alarmist article. the unnamed reporter in this LA Times piece has 5 paragraphs linking breast implants to mental disorders, suicide, and other issues. Then, in the FINAL sentence they state "the latest study analyzed data from 3,527 Swedish women who got implants between 1965 and 1993"... OK, I have two problems here...
First, can we NOT get some more recent data? I mean, hell I graduated college in 1993. Damn, I'm frikkin getting old. I'd be happy with data through 2000 or so if they could do that.
Second, Swedish women? Doing a quick check of some data on Google comes up with a number of articles on Sweden and their growing problem with suicides. You see, Sweden has one of the highest suicide rates in the world looking at First World countries.
Thinking about that a step further... Swedish women are known (rightly or not) for being well endowed, beautiful, long blonde hair... oh yeah... who can forget the Swedish bikini team???

I'm gonna offer up my services on this one... this is for the whole world, and I'm gonna do my part. Any Swedish woman with implants that is even THINKING about suicide, come visit me and let me see if I can change your mind. Keep the line moving... I'm sure this will be a long week...
Finally... on a very twisted note... I came across an article about people posting pictures of missing people on dating web sites in order to attract a mate. Apparently, the images of Jennifer Kesse were posted recently on a few dating web sites to lure people to respond to these lonely folks... I won't post her picture here, but will paste a link to a web site... she has been missing January of 2006...
Is it just me or is this just patently ridiculous to post a picture of someone who is missing for 18 months, quite possibly dead at this point, and claim that the picture is you in the effort to dupe some unsuspecting people into dating you? Same rule applies as to that guy with the dogs...
Death penalty... and forget about years on death row. We can save the tax payers a LOAD of cash and clean up humanity quickly with one slug from a .45.
George W., get it done!!!
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