NASA At It Again...

The thing I appreciate about these Jason Bourne movies is that
they do a really good job of following the books. Sure they have to change up some stuff to make it all relevant to today's audience, but they have done a brilliant job with Robert Ludlum's works. And Jason Bourne might even be a head taller than James Bond as far as movie bad asses go. Sure, Bond has all those toys, but Jason Bourne frikkin kills dudes with like pencils and shit. Makes me want to start shooting Swingline staples around and see what kinda results I get.
So, NASA is in the news again... well, more like the messy slob
astronauts are in the news, as opposed to NASA as a whole.

It appears that the past 40 or so years of space exploration have led to one resounding conclusion. Astronauts are frikkin' messy bastards. Apparently, we have upwards of 12,000 objects of space debris floating in orbit around out planet. these are items ranging from dead satellites to discarded rocket engines to half-ton tanks of ammonia.
For a bunch of people entrusted to run a $100 Billion space station, I would think they'd make a class in Home Economics mandatory. Apparently not... Since there are no garbage pickups in space, I guess they just toss whatever they don't need out a space door and forget about it. Can you say, "out of sight, out of mind"???

Problem is, they've been doing this for so long that they now need to maneuver around pieces of floating junk while doing their experiments and moving around in space. It kinda reminds me of getting through my parents basement in Chicago. Just stick to the path, and you'll be OK...
I guess it's only a matter of time before we see a headline like this:
Astronaut Found Dead in Spaceport - 87 Animals Sent to Humane Society
So, what can we do about this? Can we turn the moon into an outer space landfill? Maybe when they toss out junk, they can affix small rockets to it that would jettison it off towards the moon, or Mars, or SOMEWHERE ELSE! All i know is, I do not want one of these landing on my head. Sure, I guarantee it would be quick and painless, but as Joe Dirt can attest, it might not be a meteor.

In other news...
I am going to see the new Jason Bourne movie this weekend... oh yeah... looking forward to Matt Damon really kicking some major a$$!!! I know this has been well documented, but Damon has kinda ascended to a new level, much like our pals Marky Mark and his boy band brother have been able to pull off. These guys are just solid damn actors.
Makes me wonder what happened to Ben Affleck? Other than his highly publicized "thing" with J-Lo's booty, what else is this guy good for? Daredevil? Ugh... bitch, please!
The thing I appreciate about these Jason Bourne movies is that

I guess what it all boils down to in these cases is "entertainment value". I can relate to Jason Bourne, and therefore am entertained by his tale. Much like Bourne, I can't wait to get my payback against The Man...
Where'd I put that Stapler...
The Swingline of Death...
Heitz... Out...
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