Well, well, well... I guess all the publicity stunts in the world can't add up to this one...
Reading the Trib this morning and Santa Muerte, the Mex-USA Church's patron Saint, apparently is having a makeover. I guess the traditional image of a skeleton carrying a large scythe and covered in black robes is no longer good enough for death. He now has to appear more mainstream to attract followers.
Now, call me stupid, but if you are shooting at someone you pretty much have the intention of killing them right? I mean who ever heard of "shoot to maim"? How about "shoot to injure"?

According to the article, the new image will be of a "woman with a porcelain face, brown shoulder length hair, and long, thin fingers."
Well, not sure what you all think but I won't be scared of that image... I may want to date her, but she ain't scaring me much.
Now, of all the makeover choices they can go with, why this one? They want a kinder, gentler Death apparently. Not much foot traffic coming in when you have a skeleton hanging in the window I guess. But it begs the question, if you are not looking to be a mainstream organization (I mean, you worship Death for crying out loud!), what exactly is the goal here? Are they trying to say we should not fear death?
Is Death going on tour? Maybe the talk show circuit? Could you imagine Death sitting there with The View or Oprah talking about his childhood?
Death: "It all started when I was pulling the heads off flies when I was 4 years old..."
Oprah: "Oh, you poor thing... where was daddy?"
I guess though, if raising money is an issue, they should go with an image people can at least relate to. I mean, sure we all HAVE skeletons (under our skin AND in our closets!)... but there's a good reason our skin covers them. They ain't too attractive. I was thinking... who else should undergo a makeover?
Maybe Santa Claus? How about Tiger Woods? Any other iconic figures we can think of? Maybe I'll get one... I got that gap toothed thing going on that would be nice to take care of and I wouldn't mind having smaller feet I guess.

Quick Hitting news...
Couple brief ones here...
This kid is already in training... for what you say? I think this kid will be the next great stuntman! I wanted to be a stuntman when I was a kid... no wait, I think I just like jumping off shit. I can't remember... too many blows to the head I think.

Either way, this kid has balls of steel, I'm tellin' ya... 5 years old, locked in his room by mommy and daddy, and he jumps out the window to become a hunter/scavenger. Talk about going back to your roots! More impressive would have been if he had picked the lock and snuck through the house to the fridge... but still, jumping out a window to feed yourself is pretty damn cool.
Finally, it appears that East German border guards had orders to "shoot to kill" anyone that was trying to escape to West Germany back in the hey days of the Iron Curtain and Berlin Wall.

Here's a tip for anyone reading... if you are in a place that is surrounded by a wall with barbed wire and has guard towers... expect to get shot if you attempt to go over, around, under, or through that barrier. It may not be right, but those guys have guns for a reason.
A little common sense goes a long way towards NOT getting shot...
Peace out!
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