Who knew? Seriously, did any of you know that Johnson & Johnson, one of the largest companies in the world, owns the trademark to the image of a Red Cross?
Apparently, Johnson & Johnson (J&J) and the American Red Cross have had an agreement in place for years to allow the Red Cross to use the image. Somehow, this agreement has imploded and J&J is suing the American Red Cross for infringement and wants to take over any inventories of retail items bearing the Red Cross on them.
Does this make sense to anyone? If so, please help me out... I looked in my medicine cabinet, and sure enough I had a box of Band-Aid's in there... J&J brand, of course... Can anyone else point out the Red Cross on the package to me please? I don't see it... never mind, I'm sure it's there... I mean, if it's not then what the hell are we fighting over? A symbol J&J is NOT using in their branding? Nahhhh, they wouldn't fight over something so trivial....

On thing I read bugged me... this agreement has been in place since 1895!!! Holy crap... so, the whole time the Red Cross was involved in World War I, World War II, Korea, Vietnam, and any other conflict zone (whether the US had troops there or not) is being pushed aside because J&J wants EXCLUSIVITY now on a symbol... the very symbol that is the name of the organization they are suing!
Or would they?
True Love!!!
So, I'm in my regular Starbucks this morning getting my Venti cup o' kick in the ass.... Jess, the Barista/Manager/Resident Bada$$ there always gives me a good natured hard time. It's kinda like a Laurel & Hardy skit when I go in...
"MIKE! How ya doin'?"
"Hey Jess... not sure yet... still early... you tell me..."
"Well, I think yer doin' JUST FINE!!!"
"Really? Flippin' sweet!!! Much better than having a bad day!" ;)
That's how I get in my good mood every morning... Jess just TELLS me I'm doing good. Done...
So, this morning she says, "ya know what you need? A woman that will tell you what to do, when to do it, and basically just boss you around so you don't have to think for yourself."
Now, part of me is almost certain she was just kidding. I mean, free will frikkin' rules, right? But then I started thinking about it as I was driving home...
What kind of woman would I find on, say, eHarmony.com if my 29 dimensions of Compatibility all said I wanted you to run my life and tell me what to do? I'm almost tempted to setup a bogus profile and find out...
OK... so has anyone else ever even gone to eHarmony.com? My first thought was "HOLY CRAP, THEY ARE RUINING MARRIAGES!!!"... on the main page, there are two tabs... Single & Married. I got the hell outta there... frikkin Homewreckers is what they are!

I guess though that if I did go through with my experiment I might end up with something like Danielle the Dominatrix here. I'm told she's a woman, but I'm pretty damn sure she could kick the tar out of me if push came to shove...
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