Good Morning & Happy Monday!!!
Just a couple quick items before we get to the meat and potatoes today...
Just found this out... I live like 2 blocks from Hulk Hogan's high school! How frikkin cool is that?
It used to be, we could get by with signs that say "DON'T FEED THE BEARS". Now, apparently we need to remind people that attempting to have intercourse with a Bear... yes, a real, live, BEAR... could end up with you getting killed.
Now, we don't know for sure what happened to this Serbian man that was found half-eaten in the bear cages in a zoo in Belgrade, but what we do know is that his clothes were intact and left in the cage. I doubt a bear will have the ability to undress a man before eating him, so we can likely assume the man undressed himself.
According to the article, "Local media reported that police found several mobile phones inside the cage, as well as bricks, stones and beer cans."
So, I'm gonna hazard a guess here... his buddies got him roaring drunk and DARED him to strip and get in with the bears for a photo op. When the bears started eating him, they started throwing whatever they could get their hands on at the bears.
Just an FYI to all my "friends" out there... if you EVER dare me to get in a cage with a Bear... I won't be your friend anymore... let's just leave it at that, shall we?
On to more important stuff...
A couple articles in the paper this morning caught my attention... both of them were regarding my favorite Presidential candidate since Ross Perot! Gotta love them ears, bro...
Barrack Obama has been criticized most for not being "black" enough and for his lack of experience.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but NONE of the candidates has requisite experience as leader of the free world. The only way we will have a candidate running in this election with experience is if they lift the term limits and allow George W to run again.

Personally, I feel that Obama's lack of "experience" is a good thing. What these career politicians are referring to is that Obama is NOT a career politician like the rest of them. Clinton has been involved in politics for years, being married to good ol' Bill while he was Governor of Arkansas and then President. There is no other solid Democratic Candidate that can claim to NOT be a lifetime politician.
The problem with "lifers" is that they have no fresh ideas. They are so used to the status quo that they don't even realize how identical they all are. Huckabee, Clinton, McCain... they are all the same... None will ever admit to anything that might tarnish their image. Now, go back and read Obama's books and tell me if he did drugs. We don't have to guess whether he inhaled...
As Robin Williams said in the Documentary Man of the Year (paraphrasing here a bit...)
Well, I figured if I was going to smoke it I may as well inhale... by the way, I also farted back there...
Is it too much to ask for some sincere honesty with our leaders?
The other issue is whether or not Obama is "black" enough...This is the criticism leveled at him from the African Americans in our country that feel he is too "white" since he is Harvard educated and appears to be a favorite of white liberals.
A great column in the Miami Herald this morning really hit that issue on the head. Obama showed up 10 minutes late for an address with the National Association of Black Journalists... his reason... he told them he was on CP Time... This produced some laughter and they got on with the show...
What is CP Time, you ask?
Why, that stands for Colored People Time... meaning they can show up 10 minutes late to anything...
Look it up...
Yup, Obama is certainly black enough for me.
Peace Out...