So, I'm driving home, tired after a long day but starvin' Marvin over here... Thinking to myself, "I should stop at that Mediterranean restaurant I've been meaning to check out..."
What do I do???
Try Chef-Boy-ar-dee... Ravioli...
I coulda had some Swordfish shish-ka-bob or something... instead I had fake pasta with fake meat sauce...
And then I turned on the TV to find out Barry Bonds was indicted... Hmm... What did I say about his huge melon a couple months ago???
I actually suggested beaning him every time up... smooth move MLB... NOT!!! Instead, they let him break Aaron's record and now he's indicted for the lies he told while under oath. Seriously, who didn't know his planetoid shaped melon was the result of steroids?
I will make a prediction... you read it here first...
Barry Bonds will plead guilty
Barry Bonds will never make it to the Hall of Fame
Barry Bonds will commit suicide at some point
Think about it... the only reason he went on the roids is because he was jealous about the home runs the other roid boys were hitting (Sosa, McGwire, Canseco, etc...). His goal was Hank Aaron's record which he achieved but his ultimate motivation was to be called the greatest of all time.
Now all we will call him is the greatest cheater of all time.
What better way for someone so selfish to go out than by their own finger pulling the trigger.
Peace out...
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