OK, so who came up with the saying "No News Is Good News"???
Seriously, this person should be shot.
Now, granted it probably came about when people were sitting around during WW I or WW II waiting to hear about their husbands and sons overseas, in which case no news meat that their son was alive (or so they hoped).
But I think in every day use, that saying is just bullshit.
Take my case for instance... I am waiting to find out about a job. Is no news good news in a case like that? I guess if I lived with mom and dad still and didn't have to worry about things like rent, food, gas... But in the big scheme of things that something where no news is definitely NOT good news.
How about if you were waiting for your HIV test to come back? You are probably pretty anxious, right? Is no news good news then? You'd rather get that news (good or bad) rather than sitting around NOT knowing, right?
So I stand by my statement that No News is not necessarily Good News. It should say, No BAD News is Possibly Good News. That makes much more sense... although, I guess if you are coming up with these quick hitters like that you might now take all those other things into account.
There really isn't much in the news today... Shia Lebeouf, star of the movies Transformers and Disturbia, was arrested at my old Walgreens on Michigan Avenue over the weekend. Apparently he spent the night drinking at the Underground night club. He was arrested only on a misdemeanor count because he wouldn't leave the store.
So, I'm just curious... is this his attempt to grab the headlines away from another former Disney star, Lindsay Lohan? If that's the case, he has MUCH work to do on his public displays of intoxication. I mean, come one! This is a misdemeanor! Until he starts racking up some felonies, I doubt anyone will take much notice of his behavior.
So, last week I started keeping a Dream Diary. I've been having some bizarro world kinda dreams with all the stress and anxiety lately. Guess what my subconscious does to me? I can't remember any dreams since like the 2nd day of this! Seriously, I wake up and literally cannot remember what I dreamt about. I wonder if this is my brains way of telling me to "BACK THE FUCK RIGHT OFF!!!"
I dunno... I was kinda thinking I would stumble across the next great American novel when I went back through my dream logs, but I have no idea why my brain is shutting me out like that. It's kinda like the girl you had a "friends with benefits" relationship going on with and then suddenly she just stops coming over... only later do you find out she found Jesus and got married into some cult. Only then can you get back on the right track.
So I'm wondering what trigger I need to get my dreams on paper... I'm guessing that whatever it is should be coming along soon... kinda like the phone call telling me I got the job... maybe I should have put on my resume that I love stopping at Starbucks on the way to work. Nudge, nudge, wink, wink...
Peace Out
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