So, I went to Best Buy in order to get out of the house for a while and look at all the big screen TV's I can't afford yet...
There was a line of over a dozen people waiting to talk to the Geek Squad guys. Apparently, those guys still have the wool pulled over everyone's eyes because they are still NOT fixing any one's computers for ridiculous rates.
I'm gonna throw this out there and hope the CEO of Best Buy reads my blogs...
Being a Level 75 Elven Warrior in World of Warcraft and knowing how to tie a tie (I'm pretty sure those are clip-ons, but whatever...) does not qualify you to fix people's computers.
True story... a friend of mine brought her laptop to the Geek Squad. they had it for a week and hadn't touched it. They then put her on hold and transferred her around the store for 90 minutes when she called in. They then told her she needed a new hard drive, but that she could get a new laptop for only $100 more!!!
Finally, she told me about her ordeal and I told her to just go in there and get her computer back and bring it to me. I did a little research on her error message and within an hour or so had the computer humming along like new.
Now, I am no genius... never claimed to be. In fact, I am pretty dumb sometimes. But the stuff the Geek Squad pulls is like if you went to the dentist with a toothache, he locked you in the waiting room for a week, then told you you needed a liver transplant but what the heck, pay a little more and they can replace your kidneys while they are in there as well!
So, trying to explain the Geek Squad phenomenon is difficult... people KNOW these guys are idiots and cannot fix your computer, yet they are lined up around the block for their services. I guess someone someday will be able to explain that to me... until then, I'll keep cleaning up their messes and be the Hero.
Speaking of Heroes... this dude last night was my hero... Check this out... in stilts, h
e might have been 5'3"... the girls sitting to the right on the photo (there are actually 3 of them) were as tall as he was and they were SITTING!!! So, these three girls walk in, knockouts all 3 of 'em, absolutely killer hot... every dude in the place starts eyeballing them (I didn't have to, i was sitting right there anyways...)... MiniMan there, going bald and all, saunters over. He had been sitting a little further down the bar all night and ogling every girl that walked in. No discretion at all... he was pretty wasted...

So, anyways, he wanders over towards my table and stands next to it like we are together or something. He walks over and stands behind the girl pictured, just staring at her butt like a bull staring down a toreador. He then looked around, walked back over to my table (again, like he belonged there) and then walked back to the girls. As I snapped this shot, he was contemplating sitting next to them... clearly a huge moment in his existence.
So, finally he builds up the nerve and sits on the stool next to the girls, FACING ME! He doesn't even sit at the bar like he belongs there... he turns his back to the girls and the bar and faces me! (I KNOW, INSANE!!!) All the while, he is staring hard at this chicks behind. Of course, I am sitting there watching this all unfold and trying to figure out exactly how pathetic this guy is.
This goes on for probably 7-8 minutes... he looks at them, looks at his beer, looks at them, looks at his beer. I almost felt sorry for him. I mean, he'd probably get bitch slapped by a 2nd grader, losing his hair, probably hasn't even held a girls hand in a while, and here he is sitting right next to possibly the three hottest chicks he will ever see in his life...
And he chokes...
Not once does he try to strike up a conversation... he does not offer to buy them a round... he doesn't do anything but choke down his beer, get up from his stool, look at her butt again, and leave... Now, I know plenty of guys around his height with plenty of confidence... he had NADA... NONE... NIL... ZIP...
Seriously, I cannot imagine how shitty life for some people must be. To have so little confidence would pretty ruin my day every day... forget about my career in sales... would never happen if I was like that guy.
I guess he can at least write in his diary...
"Dear Diary... what a great night!!! Ahh, the smell of her perfume is intoxicating! I've never before been so close to such perfection!!! It was right within my grasp!!! I promise you, Diary, that next time I will buy her a drink!!! Well, I'm off to rub one out... I think he smell is lingering on my hand somewhere... Good Night!!!"
And that is why I am glad I am not him...
Peace out...
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