What the hell is wrong with people?
Have you ever noticed who does and does NOT wash their hands after using the restroom? For some reason, I almost ALWAYS notice this...
It's amazing sometimes the people that do NOT... I've seen lawyers not wash; CEO's not wash; regional sales managers not wash... Now, I am not some "clean freak" but I would be lying to you if I said I washed my hands LESS than 10 times per day.
Of course, I have always been a "seat down" kinda guy as well. I mean, who REALLY wants to see the inside of the bowl if you don't have to, right?

I almost think I would like to get a job as one of those restroom attendants... I could write a book with what people talk with those guys about. At least the guys that talk to them are washing their hands... many guys just avoid eye contact in there because they think they MUST tip him if they wash their hands...
Maybe that's where the aversion to washing comes from. I know mom & dad all over the place teach their kids to wash up before supper. But, if they are spending a lot of time in night clubs that have restroom attendants and they are cheap tippers, maybe that just builds a whole new habit base...
Then again... some public restrooms are so damn nasty that I need to wash my hands just for being there. Hell, the running water might make the sink just a little cleaner so I am killing two birds with one stone, right?
Maybe I am just a clean freak... I dunno... well, looking around my apartment, I'm pretty sure I can tell you I am somewhere between slob and bum. But at least my hands are clean, right?
A couple months ago, I wrote a blog on MySpace about some guy that was arrested in Tampa for attacking his ex-girlfriends new boyfriend with a Sword... DRAMA!!!
Well, apparently attacking people with large blades is getting pretty popular around here.
These two guys were arrested for attacking a couple teenagers with Machetes. Sounds like the teens were involved in a little fight with the kids of these two guys, so they figured they'd go take care of business, Central America Style.
I remember back in the day, when a kid would say he's going to "go get my daddy" or actually it was more common to hear "I'ma go git my uncle!!!", it basically meant, "OK, you kicked my ass... I give up... I ain't bringing my daddy back because I never met him... I was just saying that... see you in gym class..."

Now, since neither of these kids was killed, and bail was only set at $7500, it appears they were hitting these kids with the flat side of the blade instead of really giving it to them good. Makes you wonder though... All the publicity about school shootings over the past few years and in this case they show up with large blades?
I am wondering if we have graduated from firearms and gone back to 16th century warfare... I wouldn't mind getting me a nice broadsword and a stout shield and wandering the countryside... rescue a couple maidens, do a little raping and pillaging...
ahhh, the good ol' days...
In any event, it's almost refreshing to see someone NOT get shot in a case like this. A broken nose and a couple bruises? No big whup, right?
Of course, once these kids get their hands on some violent video games, I'm sure they will come up with a better plan than bringing their parents into the fight.
Peace out!
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