Well, in two minutes, it will be exactly 6 years ago that the first plane hit the towers in New York. I remember that morning as if it happened last week...

Here we are... 6 years later... on the dot... George Bush is on TV, ready to do some talking...
What has the world gone through in these 6 years? Have we all learned anything? Are we more or less tolerant? Or we vengeful? Are we remorseful? How many people have died since then because of actions set in motion by those terrorists?
The big question is, how many more will die?
Personally, I can say that day changed me in ways that probably are not very visible. I was living in Chicago and I ended up spending that day with my boy Chad & his wife at the time. I couldn't get home as the train stations were closed. Good luck finding a cab... we drank a case of Bud Light and watched the events of the day unfold.
Whoa... Now that was bizarre... The power just went out in my apartment! No shit folks, the ghosts of 9/11 came in and flipped the circuit breaker or something.
Alright... now that gave me the frikkin' heebie-jeebies...
Hmmm... I am often not at a loss for words, but that is freaking me out how the power just went out. I wish I was making this shit up... seriously... maybe I'm being told to get back to my usual NON-serious self... I dunno... I think I will listen to those voices in my head and move on... if anyone REALLY wants to hear my story of 9/11, meet me at the Green Iguana on West Shore Blvd. in Tampa... first round of drinks is one me!
OK... moving on to some fun stuff... I know everyone is VERY excited about the new Cavemen TV Show. Personally, I have cleared the TIVO so I can NOT miss a single moment of the hilarity that is awaiting us.

Come on... we all know cavemen did not MARRY their women... they dragged them by the hair to a cave and procreated... The fact that some studio exec saw these commercials and said, "HOLY SHIT! This is frikkin' genius!!! Can we get these guys???" just absolutely amazes me... of course you can get them... no one else WANTS them... they got all the frikkin' time in the world, bro...
So, I'm starting to think of my great idea that will land me on the boob toob. How about this... an animated show where the main character is a flea! Follow me here... we get Flea, from the Red Hot Chili Peppers to do the voiceover for the main character... he lives on the back of some mangy mutt and... well, you can just imagine the hilarity that ensues when his in-laws visit all the way from the poodle down the block!
But seriously, I know Cavemen won't last more than a 3-4 episodes... but that's like 80 minutes of my life that I CANNOT get back!
And in even more depressing news...
It's official... the Chicago Bears lost Mike Brown, former Pro Bowl safety to yet ANOTHER season ending injury. This is now like the 4th season in a row that he is on IR.
Also added to the injury list was DT Dusty Dvoracek... these were two key members us Bears fans were hoping to count on this season to get us back to the Super Bowl. Now all we can do is cross some fingers and hope that we can overcome a couple devastating injuries.
And before I go today... I just wanted to remind everyone that there is a plan in place for dealing with the Middle East and all the turmoil that the region causes around the world... here it is... MY Wall...
Peace Out...
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