I tell ya... I think we all needed that long weekend. I feel almost re-energized and ready to go!
So, I'm reading the paper as usual this morning... I love it when all the news i need is right there on side by side pages...
Page 10 had an article on how more and more kids are diagnosed as bipolar. Page 11? The first Woman Beefeater...
Alright... now I love porn as much as the next guy so I don't think calling a woman the first Beefeater is really all that accurate. I mean, women have been eating beef of many different varieties for YEARS! There's your hot beef injection, roast beef curtains... and the list goes on...

Interesting thought that they chose the 10th anniversary of the death of Princess Diana to unveil the first female Beefeater. I wonder if Prince Charles had something to do with this? maybe he and Camilla are on the outs and he promised his new wench a job? Considering that these Beefeaters were originally prison guards for the Tower of London, I guess that is a role strictly assigned to men in England... until now.
The best part is... she makes $50K per year AND has a free apartment that is subsidized by the government... hmmm.... I think Moira just got a BIT better looking to me...
As for this nonsense about more children being diagnosed with rottenness... errr... I mean bipolar disorder... now look here... kids have been rotten for generations. This is a fact of life...
Some doctor decides to slap a label other than just plain rotten kids on it and suddenly it's gotta fill half of page 10 in the paper.
So, really now, are these kids bipolar or are they just plain ornery?
Personally, I don't have much to compare it to... I was such a sweet kid. Now my brother, he was a whole 'nuther story... that kid was rotten... just plain angry. I think it had to do with the stinky mess in his drawers, but that is an uneducated guess on my part.
Turns out, maybe he was bipolar... who knows for sure? But I think anything that gets our kids out of Sunday School and onto some meds, MUST be a good thing, right?

One interesting note on web-site for the Child and Adolescent Bipolar Foundation is what they call therapeutic parenting... 9 steps you can take to help these kids...
1. practicing and teaching their child relaxation techniques
2. using firm restraint holds to contain rages
3. prioritizing battles and letting go of less important matters
4. reducing stress in the home, including learning and using good listening and communication skills
5. using music and sound, lighting, water, and massage to assist the child with waking, falling asleep, and relaxation
6. becoming an advocate for stress reduction and other accommodations at school
helping the child anticipate and avoid, or prepare for stressful situations by developing coping strategies beforehand
7. engaging the child's creativity through activities that express and channel their gifts and strengths
8. providing routine structure and a great deal of freedom within limits
9. removing objects from the home (or locking them in a safe place) that could be used to harm self or others during a rage, especially guns; keeping medications in a locked cabinet or box.
Personally, I like a combo of #'s 2 and 9... basically, tie the kid up and make sure they can't find your guns. Sounds like a pretty safe approach to me!
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