Good Morning! Nothing like the NFL kickoff weekend to get your spirits up! WOO HOO!!!
So, I'm getting my morning started as usual with my Starbucks and the paper... check this out... apparently scientists are thinking that liberals "tolerate ambiguity and conflict better than conservatives because of how their brains work".

Now, I am no scientist... not even remotely prepared to setup a study to refute these findings... BUT...
If I sit ANY Democrat or Liberal down and show them the letter "W" repeatedly, how can I NOT expect some sort of response? Sure, there will be brain wave activity because "W" has been the mastermind of the liberals greatest nightmare since Ronald Reagan! The article goes on to link these findings to the theory that liberals can "more readily accept new social, scientific, or religious ideas".
WOW... All that from having the letter "W" flashed in front of some democrat college kids? Let's try this one... Sit those same college kids at a bar and see how they respond to the following...
How about...
I think those might get the same results and then we can say that Liberals that drink booze are much more likely to get punched in the nose at a bar than Conservatives that drink Milk...
I must be a genius!
And in some weird news over the weekend, a McDonald's worker in Union City, GA, was arrested after serving a police officer a "salty" burger which made the officer sick. Apparently, the worker "accidentally" dumped a bunch of salt on the burger and tried to brush as much off as possible. As if a McDonald/s burger needed any more salt, right?

Whatever the reasoning, after a night in the slammer I'm sure she will look at her job making burgers a little differently...
Smell that aroma coming from the fryer??? It's the smell of Freedom, darlin...

To add insult to injury, 2 key players on the defensive side of the ball were injured. We can only HOPE that they will be back, but my gut tells me they are done for the year.
Even as horrific as the game ended up, it was good being back in the saddle... I hadn't been in that bar since the Super Bowl and there was certainly a LOT of energy going on. Beer and wings on a Sunday afternoon is something akin to Heaven on Earth, I think...
But I would say the most perplexing moment of the day was when the Eagles fan at the bar was being booed down by everyone and we all (yes, even the Bears fans) cheered when they lost to the dreaded Green Bay Packers. I hate the Packers more than any other football team... but this guy was such a numb-nuts that I had to root against him.
Alrighty then... on to making some money today...
Peace out...
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