Rage Against the President!!!

Now back to the statements made... Bush and the rest of his cronies have made plenty of mistakes over the past few years, but there has been some happy news from time to time, hasn't there? I mean, the DOW recently went over 14,000! Come on now people! Can't we find some kind of silver lining here?
So, she worked out a deal with a local animal shelter to acquire a number of dogs that she rents out. Basically you can rent for one day, or pay a monthly fee (or annual) and you can have a dog whenever you want... and just bring them back when you are done with it!

Well, in the meantime, I well just have to settle for working for a living... at least until the next big idea jumps in my head!
Well, I must say I am a bit disturbed by the news today coming out of the "Rock the Bells" hip-hop tour... Apparently, one of my many heroes, Zach de la Rocha, from Rage Against the Machine, went on a tirade while on-stage, calling for the hanging and shooting death of President George Bush.
I don't mind someone speaking their mind, whether I agree with them or not. But what really got under my skin was the fall out from the news programs after his appeal...
Said Ann Coulter of Fox News: "Has anyone checked with Flock of Seagulls?... They're (RATM) losers, their fans are losers, and there's a lot of violence coming from the left wing..."

I am no left wing Pinko, I can assure you... and I may be a LOT of things... but I am no LOSER Ann Coulter... Tell me, how is that "Wax On; Wax Off" working for you?
I think what we are all missing here is not that Zach de la Rocha said the current President should be tried, hung, and shot for his actions... RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE IS BACK!!! WOO HOO!!!! YEAH!!! Now all I gotta do is figure a way to get them to come to the Hip-Hop capital of the Gulf Coast of Florida! (yeah, I'm sure that's up on their list... :( )
I can almost envision a reunion album coming out with maybe some help from giants of the industry like Mos Def, Snoop, Dr. Dre... oh that would be good fun!

Maybe we can sit Zach and W down together to has this out... I mean shouldn't we be communicating instead of killing? Isn't that what I am doing here? Instead of venting my angst and frustrations with random acts of violence, I am pounding my keyboard!
hmmm... that sounded a little more sexual than I intended...
moving on to something less volatile...
Rent - A - Pet... What Will THEY Think of Next?
I came across an article about a company called FlexPetz (http://www.flexpetz.com/), based in Los Angeles with operations in major cities in California and expanding to New York and London soon. The founder of this company, Marlena Cervantes, came up with the idea that some people want the joy of having a pet, but only at certain times... say Saturday mornings, or Wednesday nights... but that many people don't have the means or the space to have a pet full time.

Frikkin sweet!!! Two ideas I came up with in how to use this...
First off... Can I rent a puppy? Seriously... I want a puppy to take to the beach as a chick magnet... Ahhh, I can picture it now...
"Oh, HI Jessica Alba and Jessica Biel! Sure, I'd LUV to bring my puppy to your bikini party! What's that? Oh no, I don't have to return Fido til tomorrow morning so we have ALL night... " ;)

Seriously, what could be better than that? Hmmmm... wait a moment... another thought...
Why not just rent a girlfriend? Maybe I could find an Alba/Biel clone that I could rent only when I want some snuggle time and then return them! that would have to be WAY cheaper than having a real girlfriend, right?
Anyone know if this has been done already? I mean, if no one out there is renting out women, I might put my entrepreneurial spirit to work here... There are plenty of beautiful women here in Tampa and I'm sure there are quite a few that would go out with guys for money! I'M GONNA BE RICH!!!

Shit, I just realized I was watching too much "Wired for Sex" on G4TV over the weekend and am confusing Japan's loose sexual mores with America's tight fisted religious views... grrrrr... all my great entrepreneurial ideas are much better suited for overseas exploration it seems...
Well, in the meantime, I well just have to settle for working for a living... at least until the next big idea jumps in my head!
uh they already have Rent a Girlfriend. It's called getting a hooker, sweetie. just wanted to clear that up.
My pimp, I mean my husband, says I'm free this weekend. He needs some work done on his motorcycle.
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