So, you can imagine my horror when I saw this article in the paper this morning and also on
This cat was raised as a kitten in a dementia ward in a Rhode Island nursing home and is basically walking around the hospital killing people. they claim the cat is just "predicting" that people will die, but I think we all know better.

For thousands of years, cats have been jealous that we get to walk around on two legs, while they are still scrambling around like filthy animals. I thought their payback only went so far as to make us clean up their poop and deal with smelly furniture after they "marked" their territory. Apparently, they are taking their anger out to a whole new level.
Apparently, Oscar, as this murderer is called, is wandering the halls of this hospital, picks a patient, and "predicts" they will die within 4 hours by curling up with the dying patient. According to the report, he is more accurate than the doctors! So, why is no one checking to make sure there is no foul play? Is it because he's just a cute, furry little kitty?
My doors are locked... keep them damn cats away from me...
Morning Coffee...
I've realized that I am a creature of habit to a great degree... during the week, I have one cup of coffee, may times just sitting in Starbucks reading the paper... OK, and checking out the "talent"... I've come to the conclusion that coffee, more than anything, is a social mechanism. Sure, it can taste good, it gives you a kick in the pants in the morning, and it keeps all them Happy Guatemalans employed... But have you ever just watched the interactions in a coffee shop, or say a Dunkin' Donuts...
Many folks come in groups and standing in line is like their morning social life. Talking to people that they don't normally hang out with or work with. For example, I go to the same Starbucks
every day, they have my Venti bold coffee ready for me before I even ask for it... I talk to the people in line, not knowing ANY of their names for the most part. The girls behind the counter all know my name, but I think I might only know one of theirs. But I've noticed on days when I do NOT hit the Starbucks (it happens occasionally) that I am not in as good a mood or as energized to start my day.

Is there a secret ingredient in their coffee? Is it just the fact that I get the blood circulating early in the day? I dunno... but I can say that those little coffee shops are a part of my being... I can sit there all day surfing the web and just watching the world go by...
I think the other reason I spend so much time there is my buddy Ryan picked up a chick there once...
Nah, I think it's the other stuff I said...
Like I mentioned previously... that grim reaper feline story reminded me of another "cat" who liked to get close when someone (rich) was gonna kick the bucket.
how do you get pictures to post instead of just the link?
Ha! I saw that cat on the news, too! I think it's kind of cool that he just wants you to be loved in your last moments. But once you discover the pattern, it's not so much love you'll be feelin' when you see that feline.
Thanks for the shout-out on my blog!
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