With Harrypottermania sweeping the land, I thought I'd toss my hat in the ring... I did NOT wait in line Friday night for my pre-ordered copy... I slept in Saturday, lolly-gagged over to Borders and picked it up around Noon. Sat by the pool til the storms rolled in, cracked open a fresh 12 pack, and BOOM done by Sunday at Midnight.
I've already stated this to my close pals, but had I gone to the party Friday night I probably would have dressed as Cho. I have a thing for Asian girls and SHE is totally on "lay-away" for a couple years. Of course, NOT being a cross dresser might have made that a bit uncomfortable, but ya only live once, right?
So, I finished the book faster than I've ever read anything in my life. Hell, I can't get through the daily comics in the morning so reading over 700 pages in under 48 hours is flat out ridiculous. But I must say I am inspired by Ms. Rowling and her story. Almost makes me feel like I need to quit my job and start writing something. Of course, I need an idea to just "fall into my head" as she so eloquently stated this one did.
I won't spoil anything for anyone that hasn't finished the book, but I expected a little more at the end. I kinda had it figured out but then also was shocked at a couple things as well. Needless to say, I enjoyed the book VERY much. Next task is to start from the beginning and read through ALL 7 of them from start to finish!!! Don't that sound like a Hoot? :)
Politics... yuck...
OK, so on to some politics... I'm not sure who has already decided who they want for our next Presidente, but I decided months ago that I am standing firmly behind Barrack Obama. Yes, he of the diverse background, and honest truth about drugs, etc... Historically, I tended to vote for Independent candidates although I did vote for Bush after 9/11. I am not sure how I feel about all that now, but it seemed the prudent choice at the time.

I have read both Obama's books and can honestly say that I am buying what he is selling. He comes clean on so many things in his two books that many politicians would only fess up about in front of a grand jury (drugs, embarrassing childhood things, etc..). We certainly don't have to wade through any lies about how he did not inhale, now do we?
Honestly though, I cannot imagine voting for any of the other candidates on either side of the fence. I didn't like the original Clinton so why would I vote for the spin-off? Giuliani? gesundheit... spaghetti... whatever...
I'm sure part of my family may disown me for voting for a black guy, but I can point out safely that his mom is white and from Kansas. Hell, Kansas is about as white as it gets these days, ain't it?
I so want one of those shirts that say:
"Barack & Roll"
Oh God. Not Barack. Not Hilary. Anyone but those two.
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