Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Mid-Week Ramblings

Well, it's been a helluva week already and we are only at Humping Day.

We've been moving for a week now... slow but steady wins the race, right? What an exhasting process moving from a second floor apartment to a third floor apartment! I am NOT trying to lose weight but you just can't help it with all the stair work I have done in the past week. But the worst part isn't the stairs, it's been the weather. Good ol' Mother Nature decided a little over a week ago that the drought in Florida is officially over and has been hitting us with big downpours pretty much every day.

Of course, exhaustion, soaking wet from the rain, and in and out from 88 degrees to arctic A/C means I caught something. I have had this stomach bug for a few days now and I think that has had as much to do with the weight loss as the exercise.

Then I saw a show last night that said something like "to produce 2.2 pouds of lamb creates 40 pounds of methane gas"!!!

They were talking about the effects of livestock and certain crop production to increasing greenhouse gases. It made me wonder how much methane I had produced over the past few days of having this stomach ailment. I mean, I have been a Farting Machine since pretty much last Thursday.

Now, Remi is a gassy lil' dude, but even he was running for his room the past few days. So I can only guess at the tonnage of methane gas I created. I wonder if I will be on some environmental watchdog's "Hot" list or something???

All I know for sure is I felt like ass... pun definitely intended.

In other news, we have a couple exciting trips in the works. We are heading to Chicago next week for Chad's wedding. I was looking at renting a car for the week only because we will be spending so much time in the suburbs. I haven't rented a car in a couple years and all I can say is - STICKER SHOCK!!!

Seriously, I am thinking of just buying a bicycle for the week I am up there. $300 for 5 days in Chicago??? Seriously??? I know better than to assume my insurance will cover a rental car if some dumbass hits me, so I always take the insurance... of course I have rented cars only a handful of times in my life so I'm no expert.

Bottom line is, they basically want almost my monthly car payment to drive some compact P.O.S. for less than a week. I'm not sure how to get into that racket, but godDAM!!!

The other trip in the works is a 3-Week trip to Nigeria in July & August. Angela's sister is getting hitched and we are flying over for the wedding. I am pretty excited for my first trip to Africa. I've already been told by one Right-Wing friend that I won't last 10 minutes, but I'm pretty sure I will surprise him. It's not like I am going to Somalia or something. ;-)

My biggest concern is my camera... I have a shitty little digital camera that sucks major butt when it comes to zoom, picture quality, etc... but being unemployed, it's not like I can just go buy a new camera, right? This is about the time I wish I was still in contact with my old "shady" friends from the South Side... I'd have a new Canon Rebel at a fraction of the cost in NO time...


peace out

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