Then I read on CNN this morning that the Pirates in Somalia are angry at the USA and France for... get this... FIGHTING BACK!!!
So... let me get this straight...
You kidnap, extort, kill, and destroy...
Receive MILLIONS of dollars in ransom over the course of your illegal activities...
Steal money, food, weapons, etc...
And get upset when someone decides they've had enough and take steps to defend themselves???
I wonder if these guys might actually be in Hollywood or something? Talk about being disconnected from the REAL WORLD! Since the dawn of humanity, there have been oppressors, and there have been people that fight back. What makes these idiots so special?
Now they say they will just kill American and French crew members when they kidnap them. Wow... yeah, like we expected anything different from 21st century pirates. I saw on CNN yesterday that there are coalition forces patrolling the sea there but that it is over 1,000,000 square miles! How much can you do with a small force of warships?

Damn... Sometimes being the world's police is a pain in the ass...
Peace out...
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