Oh, wait a moment... Nick Saban has something to say...
'There's a significant amount of players who don't qualify at some schools and they end up being pretty good players at some other schools. I think there are six guys starting on South Florida's defense who probably could have gone to Florida or Florida State but Florida and Florida State couldn't take them. And if you do a good job of recruiting that way ...'
Holy Crap!!!
So, Nick Saban, head coach at LSU, which has no game against USF this year, does not play in the same conference, and might only meet in a bowl game, has to voice his opinion on USF specifically.
What he's saying here is that USF is recruiting kids that can't make the cut, academically speaking, at the powerhouse schools like Alabama, Florida, Florida State, etc... Is that anything like how Saban couldn't make the cut as an NFL coach? Oh, sorry... is that like salt on a fresh wound Coach? Or has that one healed yet?

Well, all I can say to Mr. Saban is this... and I'm sure Jim Leavitt, USF's coach would go along...
Bring your Alabama Crimson Tide boys down for a weekend, we'll take them to Leroy Selmon's for some good ribs, get them all fat on food, and then take them out on the field and knock the snot out of them.
Of course, that challenge will sit here and gather dust since I have the combined leverage of a toothpick and a drinking straw.
But there it is... you heard it here first. I can guarantee you that Saban will NOT be scheduling USF as a non-conference opponent any time in his career at Alabama. Anyone wanna take that bet?
Didn't think so...
Peace out...
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