OK, so I admit, I didn't watch much of the Democratic National Convention. Hell, I had other stuff to do... I yelled at my Xbox, played some guitar, read some of Alan Greenspan's book... ya know, stuff like that. I did tune in last night for Barack Obama's acceptance speech; I sure as heck wasn't going to miss that!
Anyone who has read my blog over the past year knows I am an Obama fan. I get it... I know where he has done most of his work prior to entering the public sector. I grew up maybe 5-10 minutes from some of the worst neighborhoods that he was trying to help clean up on the South Side of Chicago.
the only thing that bothered me about his acceptance speech was the grandstanding... now, I know it's politics so it is to be expected. But at the same time, let's temper the over-reaching promises and at least SOUND a little realistic. Now, I am not a budget analyst for the US Government so I guess maybe there is enough that can be done in order to ensure he can "cut taxes for 95% of working class Americans"... I don't know how well the "closing of the loopholes" will be received by corporate America either. Hell, they killed the African-American President on the TV show "24" for less than that!
The one thing I thought was VERY powerful, and wasn't even aware of it until he said it... yesterday was the 45th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech. How amazing is the timing that we have our first African-American Presidential nominee accepting the nomination 45 years to the day after that speech??? WOW! All I can say...
OK, enough of that... the other thing that bugs me big-time this morning...
Seriously... David Duchovny... any woman, under sodium pentathol, if asked truthfully if this guy is attractive would laugh until she had a nosebleed and then say "NO! But he's an actor!!!" So, the headline on CNN.com saying he is going to rehab for sexual addiction?!?!?! Jeezus frikkin Cheeerist!!! Really, I don't get it... At least I reserve my Hollywood list to truly attractive women: Jessica Biel, Jennifer Aniston, Scarlett Johansson (sp?)... I may as well just add Ugly Betty to the list.. wait, she actually is a damn attractive woman... ok, Cathy Bates! How about Glenn Close... seriously, I don't get her being casted in Fatal Attraction... she's absolutely gross! I just read a blog from 2005 (wow, missed that one) where someone said she is always told she looks like either Rachel Weisz or Robin Tunney... she then says neither would be considered the "hot chick". Seriously, honey, just reply to my blog if you are still out there and still look that good!!! ;)
Peace out...
Daily Dose of Heitz... what I'm thinking I usually tend to blurt out... my friends call these "Heitzisms"...
Friday, August 29, 2008
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Put it to rest
OK, so the rednecks (or are they Hillbillies???) in Georgia finally were caught in their lie. The Bigfoot in the freezer was actually a rubber gorilla suit. Go figure...
So, I did a little research of my own and have come up with proof not only of the existence of Bigfoot (and thus also the Yeti) but also the Lochness Monster!!! (Of course, don't forget about Champ up in Vermont)...
Now, these images may disturb many of you... I don't relish the fact that I am the one bringing this evidence to light. But hey, when in Rome, right? (I realize that makes no sense whatsoever, that's why I said it... ok, so I typed it... maybe I am sitting here dictating to myself... could happen...)
And how is it that a chump like me finds proof of both in one day??? Well, apparently I am as extraordinary as mom always though. ;) A little elbow grease, a little hooliganism, and a lot of digging where the sun don't shine... errrr... ok, that didn't sound quite right, did it?
ok... here goes...

Now, my first question was, "since when did plesiosaurs become 'fire breathing'???" And how the hell did Bigfoot domesticate a plesiosaur??? I mean, that's just downright preposterous!
I go back to a previous statement I made... show me God... there ya have it. If a plesiosaur can be domesticated and breather fire, that's at least as plausible as an omniscient super deity, isn't it?
OK, maybe not... BUT, tell me then how to explain away a Bigfoot apparently commuting to the office on the back of the Loch Ness Monster!!!
You can't explain it, can you!?!?!? I didn't think so!!!
Well, I am just about through with my soap box. A picture is worth a thousand words right... I'd like to see what the so called experts think of MY evidence...
ok, maybe not....
peace out...
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Phelps & Bears Quarterback
OK, so I just saw an interview with Michael Phelps (8 Gold medals in this years Olympics) being queried by Jeremy Schaap. I'm just curious... could we find someone without a speech impediment to run that interview?
Alright, just kidding... I'm just jealous that I'll never win an Olympic medal (let alon 16 already for this guy!!!) and I'll never be on ESPN... sour grapes... :)
But what I am really concerned with this morning is the Chicago Bears have named their starting Quarterback for the upcoming season! And unfortunately, Michael Phelps was unavailable. I'm sure he would have been a very viable option, but no dice.
So Kyle Orton, the guy who looks like an Amish cast-off is the guy who gets the nod. It's a sad state of affairs when our choices are Orton, Grossman, and a guy who's name is eerily similar to Heinie. Of course, the offensive coordinatr is off the hook now. He can go back to calling running plays and maybe we'll get somewhere this season. My guess is, we'll be drafting yet another quarterback in 2009.
So, Hurricane Fay turned into a whimpering Tropical Storm when it made landfall last night. Of course, I gotta hold off on calling her a total pansy as she is forecasted to hang around for the next few days before making a u-turn and coming back over the state. No kidding, the weather reports are predicting the storm will go across the state, then make a u-trun and come back across the state!
Still, it's not like the Chicago winters. I'll take a storm like this every couple years over the sub-zero temperatures and blizzards that ALWAYS hit Chicago in the winter.
Alright, time to send out some resumes. The whole city is shut down for the storm. YAY!
Alright, just kidding... I'm just jealous that I'll never win an Olympic medal (let alon 16 already for this guy!!!) and I'll never be on ESPN... sour grapes... :)
But what I am really concerned with this morning is the Chicago Bears have named their starting Quarterback for the upcoming season! And unfortunately, Michael Phelps was unavailable. I'm sure he would have been a very viable option, but no dice.
So Kyle Orton, the guy who looks like an Amish cast-off is the guy who gets the nod. It's a sad state of affairs when our choices are Orton, Grossman, and a guy who's name is eerily similar to Heinie. Of course, the offensive coordinatr is off the hook now. He can go back to calling running plays and maybe we'll get somewhere this season. My guess is, we'll be drafting yet another quarterback in 2009.
So, Hurricane Fay turned into a whimpering Tropical Storm when it made landfall last night. Of course, I gotta hold off on calling her a total pansy as she is forecasted to hang around for the next few days before making a u-turn and coming back over the state. No kidding, the weather reports are predicting the storm will go across the state, then make a u-trun and come back across the state!
Still, it's not like the Chicago winters. I'll take a storm like this every couple years over the sub-zero temperatures and blizzards that ALWAYS hit Chicago in the winter.
Alright, time to send out some resumes. The whole city is shut down for the storm. YAY!
Monday, August 18, 2008
OK, so I guess it is time I chimed in on the whole Bigfoot thing going on up in Georgia... First off, let me say that I am a big fan. Having large feet myself (NOT covered in hair, thank you) I know what that poor creature must feel like. Well, alright, I am NOT stuffed in a cooler in Atlanta right now so I guess i don't REALLY know what he (she?) feels like.
But seriously... between Bigfoot, Nessie, Area 51... all that good stuff... I think the world is a better place for having them than not. OK, so we can't actually prove they exist (someone please point out God to me... didn't think so) but since when was that a prerequisite to believing in something? How many of us still keep the light on in the closet to keep the Boogeyman away? (putting my hand down now...)
As for these good ol' boys in Georgia... well, there is some skepticism because one of them apparently was involved in some Bigfoot shenanigans a few years ago. Kinda goes with that old boy who cries wolf story, right? So, no clue where this one will end up but a big hairy dude in a meat freezer is a step in the right direction, ain't it?
Of course, trying to prove something does not exist is almost as pointless as proving it does. I usually tell skeptics to just keep their mouths shut. I'm sure if there is some master plan, we'll all find out when we are good and ready!
In other news... two weeks and counting on the unemployment front. Got a job at a good company that was emailed to me this morning... of course the money is so low I'd get my truck repossessed and get evicted from my apartment. BUT, it pays more than unemployment compensation so maybe it's worth a shot, right? Seriously, I haven't made that little since 1994!!! Ugh... what to do???
Alright, back to work... gotta get some stuff done today before Hurricane Fay shows up tomorrow. Ha... Hurricane Fay... what a lame ass name.
Peace out
But seriously... between Bigfoot, Nessie, Area 51... all that good stuff... I think the world is a better place for having them than not. OK, so we can't actually prove they exist (someone please point out God to me... didn't think so) but since when was that a prerequisite to believing in something? How many of us still keep the light on in the closet to keep the Boogeyman away? (putting my hand down now...)
As for these good ol' boys in Georgia... well, there is some skepticism because one of them apparently was involved in some Bigfoot shenanigans a few years ago. Kinda goes with that old boy who cries wolf story, right? So, no clue where this one will end up but a big hairy dude in a meat freezer is a step in the right direction, ain't it?
Of course, trying to prove something does not exist is almost as pointless as proving it does. I usually tell skeptics to just keep their mouths shut. I'm sure if there is some master plan, we'll all find out when we are good and ready!
In other news... two weeks and counting on the unemployment front. Got a job at a good company that was emailed to me this morning... of course the money is so low I'd get my truck repossessed and get evicted from my apartment. BUT, it pays more than unemployment compensation so maybe it's worth a shot, right? Seriously, I haven't made that little since 1994!!! Ugh... what to do???
Alright, back to work... gotta get some stuff done today before Hurricane Fay shows up tomorrow. Ha... Hurricane Fay... what a lame ass name.
Peace out
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Blog 4 da unemployed
2 weeks and counting, folks!
By my estimation, over the past 2 weeks I have:
*sent out 50 resumes (and have had resumes forward to probably close to 150 companies through peers and networking)
*have drank 15 pots of coffee... mmmmm, Folgers crystals...
*spent about 10 hours at Starbuck's brushing up my technical knowledge (add to that probably about another 15 hours here at home)
*have realized that Madden '09 is da bomb... still can't run the ball for shyt but it rocks
*killed at least 50 cops and gang bangers in GTA IV
*busted out about 5 hours worth of power chords on my Les Paul & SG
*killed my Blackberry
*actually read some Playboy articles
*volunteered at an event for Tampa Bay Technology Forum (YAY, me!)
*and except for when I have gone on a few interviews, have worn shorts and flip-flops 24/7
Other than the lack of an income right now, I would say unemployment friggin' rocks! (fist raised in salute to the rest of us unemployed)
The good news is, I got friends in low places... errr... I mean I got contacts. Will be employed sooner rather than later and then I can actually afford to take out all these ladies I am meeting on eHarmony!!!
What's that you say??? eHarmony? Yeah, time to find a woman that won't drain the ol' bank account and leave me high & dry. I feel like a bad Jerry Springer show... or good Jerry Springer show, depending on your education level and number of remaining teeth. ;)
Also, been reading A LOT! Love to read... shoulda been a librarian... filling that big brain of mine with stuff.
that's about all I got for right now... more to come...
By my estimation, over the past 2 weeks I have:
*sent out 50 resumes (and have had resumes forward to probably close to 150 companies through peers and networking)
*have drank 15 pots of coffee... mmmmm, Folgers crystals...
*spent about 10 hours at Starbuck's brushing up my technical knowledge (add to that probably about another 15 hours here at home)
*have realized that Madden '09 is da bomb... still can't run the ball for shyt but it rocks
*killed at least 50 cops and gang bangers in GTA IV
*busted out about 5 hours worth of power chords on my Les Paul & SG
*killed my Blackberry
*actually read some Playboy articles
*volunteered at an event for Tampa Bay Technology Forum (YAY, me!)
*and except for when I have gone on a few interviews, have worn shorts and flip-flops 24/7
Other than the lack of an income right now, I would say unemployment friggin' rocks! (fist raised in salute to the rest of us unemployed)
The good news is, I got friends in low places... errr... I mean I got contacts. Will be employed sooner rather than later and then I can actually afford to take out all these ladies I am meeting on eHarmony!!!
What's that you say??? eHarmony? Yeah, time to find a woman that won't drain the ol' bank account and leave me high & dry. I feel like a bad Jerry Springer show... or good Jerry Springer show, depending on your education level and number of remaining teeth. ;)
Also, been reading A LOT! Love to read... shoulda been a librarian... filling that big brain of mine with stuff.
that's about all I got for right now... more to come...
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
What's this?
A Tuesday morning blog from Heitz??? Something must be wrong!!!
Actually, things are feeling pretty all-right today... I've gotten some of the best sleep over the past few days than I have in the previous 18 months. I am once again sans employment!!!
No big whup I say... been there, done that, unfortunately could not afford the t-shirt.
I was told there were a lot of nasty blogs out there regarding the company I just left - they shall remain nameless for now. All I can say is I have zero regrets. I busted my hump for 9 months, got my best friend a job with an NFL franchise (hmmmm, could be something there for me, maybe???), and learned a few things about myself and the job market here in the Tampa area.
First, I LOVE technology and that is where my passion lies - between technology and teaching folks the right way to use it. I am heading back to IT so wish me luck, folks!
Second, I did not go back to IT last year after the disastrous campaign of closing mortgage companies because I lacked confidence in my technical abilities. I had been away from IT for a couple years so it's natural to feel rusty, I guess. Turns out, I am probably stronger technically than most of the available candidates in the area and I sure as hell provide better customer service!
Anyhoo, my minds made up...
Couple things I noticed over the past few days...
I never really thought about it, but I wonder how much pain a cockroach goes through when you nail it with a blast of RAID... I mean, they frikkin jump like they are being hit with 100,000 watts or something!!! I bet there is some info online about what that stuff is doing to their insides, but I guess I really don't need the details. I mean, other than a size 13 slamming own on them that's the only shit that kills them, right??? Survive a nuclear explosion, but a shot of RAID and their done for. Crazy...
The other thing I was thinking about was "what is really in the briefcase in the movie Pulp Fiction"??? So many theories on the Internet but frikkin' the only people that really know (Samuel L Jackson, John Travolta, Quentin Tarantino) AIN'T talkin'. someone once told me they thought it was the soul of Ving Rhames' character. Not sure that is true as Tim Roth says upon seeing it, "is that what I think it is?" - how the hell would he know what a soul looks like?
Anyways... time to get a few more resumes out before I hit the books. Working on brushing up the knowledge level so putting in my time.
Peace out
Actually, things are feeling pretty all-right today... I've gotten some of the best sleep over the past few days than I have in the previous 18 months. I am once again sans employment!!!
No big whup I say... been there, done that, unfortunately could not afford the t-shirt.
I was told there were a lot of nasty blogs out there regarding the company I just left - they shall remain nameless for now. All I can say is I have zero regrets. I busted my hump for 9 months, got my best friend a job with an NFL franchise (hmmmm, could be something there for me, maybe???), and learned a few things about myself and the job market here in the Tampa area.
First, I LOVE technology and that is where my passion lies - between technology and teaching folks the right way to use it. I am heading back to IT so wish me luck, folks!
Second, I did not go back to IT last year after the disastrous campaign of closing mortgage companies because I lacked confidence in my technical abilities. I had been away from IT for a couple years so it's natural to feel rusty, I guess. Turns out, I am probably stronger technically than most of the available candidates in the area and I sure as hell provide better customer service!
Anyhoo, my minds made up...
Couple things I noticed over the past few days...
I never really thought about it, but I wonder how much pain a cockroach goes through when you nail it with a blast of RAID... I mean, they frikkin jump like they are being hit with 100,000 watts or something!!! I bet there is some info online about what that stuff is doing to their insides, but I guess I really don't need the details. I mean, other than a size 13 slamming own on them that's the only shit that kills them, right??? Survive a nuclear explosion, but a shot of RAID and their done for. Crazy...
The other thing I was thinking about was "what is really in the briefcase in the movie Pulp Fiction"??? So many theories on the Internet but frikkin' the only people that really know (Samuel L Jackson, John Travolta, Quentin Tarantino) AIN'T talkin'. someone once told me they thought it was the soul of Ving Rhames' character. Not sure that is true as Tim Roth says upon seeing it, "is that what I think it is?" - how the hell would he know what a soul looks like?
Anyways... time to get a few more resumes out before I hit the books. Working on brushing up the knowledge level so putting in my time.
Peace out
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